
澳门足彩app作为其包容性和转型使命的一部分,致力于在大学的所有职能中为残疾人提供平等的机会, including equal access to website and digital media. As the influence of information technology continues to grow on our campuses, the University remains inspired by the charism of its founders, 圣修女会. Joseph, to sustain an atmosphere of respect, dignity and inclusiveness.

All digital content created or obtained by members of the 澳门足彩app faculty and staff and disseminated by electronic means, subject to the exceptions stated in this policy, must be made accessible to the widest range of users, including those with the more common sensory, 运动和认知障碍, 通过采纳万维网联盟的Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)的最低要求.1标准.

The policy will be introduced in phases. This first phase includes any new digital content created or obtained, and disseminated after creation of this policy. Additional phases of the policy will include, at a minimum; remediation of content created or obtained before creation of this policy, 以及现有的硬件, software and the procurement of digital products and 服务s. This policy is a living document that will change over time as digital content changes. 政策变更将通知大学社区,并在政策发生变更时提供培训机会.


数字无障碍是创造(或获取)和传播所有学生都可以使用的数字内容的实践, 员工和其他利益相关者澳门足彩app. While accessibility is necessary for individuals with disabilities to understand, navigate and contribute to digital content, 这对每个人都有益. 数字无障碍是主动的, 考虑到用户将如何使用和感知数字信息作为材料创作和交付的一部分. Digital accessibility makes websites and digital content accessible to users with auditory, 认知, 神经系统, 物理, 语言和视觉障碍, 临时的和永久的. 除了, 数字可访问性对于受限于屏幕大小的用户来说是有益的, by the environment they are in when accessing material (i.e. bright sunlight or not able to listen to audio), or by a limited internet connection.


This policy applies to all digital content that is acquired, 发达, 分布式, 使用, 由澳门皇冠app and 使用 within the context of teaching, 学习, 研究, 服务, employment and other official functions of the University. 这包括任何网页, 基于web的应用程序, 电子文档, multimedia created or obtained after the effective date of this policy. It also includes any third-party applications 使用 to create and/or disseminate digital content (i.e. web-based content creation, textbook supplemental materials, or mobile applications). 在本政策生效日期之前创建或获得的数字内容和资源必须符合以下网页要求规定的时间框架.


Accessibility is a shared concern for anyone in the 澳门足彩app community who has a hand in creating, 获得, sharing and publishing digital resources. 每一个教师, 管理员, 工作人员,  或者是学生组织, 设计, 发展, 建议, procures or manages digital content and/or resources is subject to and has responsibilities under this policy.


In order to ensure accessibility of IT products 使用 at 澳门足彩app, 那些负责决定购买哪些产品的人必须在早期和整个过程中将可访问性作为获取的标准之一. This is especially critical for enterprise-level systems or technologies that affect a large number of students, 教员和/或职员.

Considering accessibility in procurement involves the following steps:

  1. Vendors must be asked to provide information about the accessibility of their products.
  2. The information provided by vendors must be valid, measured using a method that is reliable and objective.
  3. Accessibility assurances should be included in contracts. Those making procurement decisions must be able to objectively evaluate the accessibility of products, and to scrutinize the information provided by vendors.

Requesting Accessibility Information From Vendors

采购语言样本:来自国家残疾和教育机会中心的无障碍政策页面包括征求建议的无障碍语言示例, purchasing contracts of specific products, and purchasing 程序 使用 for general purchasing.

University of California 采购 and Product Accessibility: This page describes UC requirements, and includes a link to sample text for inclusion in RFP’s.

California State University Accessible Electronic and 信息技术 采购: As part of its system-wide Accessible Technology Initiative, CSU提供政策, 程序, and other resources to support vendors and institutions in meeting accessibility requirements in procurement.

MIT Web and software Accessibility Policies and Guidelines麻省理工学院的可访问性资源中最值得注意的是清单,它可以在购买基于网络的产品或软件时帮助评估可访问性.

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)

大学根据资讯科技产业协会(ITI)自愿性产品易读性模板(VPAT®)提供的指引,详细报告产品或服务的易读性. 要求供应商以最新的VPAT®格式提供可访问性一致性报告(ACR),以证明其产品或服务的可访问性支持. The VPAT® template should be filled out in its entirety and include testing methodology, 一致性水平, and remarks for any partially-supported or non-supported level per the success criteria of WCAG 2.1 AA.


对于任何WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria which the product or 服务 either only partially meets, 或者不符合, 供应商应该提供一个路线图,说明将解决每个可访问性问题的预期时间框架和发布周期. 部门应跟进供应商,以确保产品符合无障碍路线图的目标.


由其自行决定, 大学可以要求对给定IT产品或服务的可访问性支持功能进行产品演示. 供应商应该准备创建一个测试帐户,并通过网络会议或面对面会议提供其产品的可访问性特性(演示键盘支持和屏幕阅读器支持).


由于不适当的负担和不可获得性而产生的有限例外情况,在技术上不可能遵守的情况下,可以从政策中获得批准, 或者由于数字内容/资源的性质,可能需要采取非常措施,因此成本过高或困难. 然而, in these cases where the product is not currently in compliance, every effort will be made to fix the defects by a defined date.

数字无障碍协调员在与受影响的单位和其他具有相关观点或专业知识的人员协商后,应作出不适当负担或不可用的结论. 在用户要求以同样有效和可访问的替代方式访问数字内容/资源时,豁免并不免除大学履行法律义务,为用户提供合理的便利. 


负责获取和创建数字内容的人必须定期对其内容进行监控和评估. 有关遵守政策或标准的问题或疑虑应在电子无障碍表格(将创建)上报告 & 提供连结至表格). 所有的问题和关注将直接到适当的PC无障碍联络员,以解决与数字内容和/或资源的可访问性问题. 联络员负责联系负责材料的个人,他们必须及时纠正可访问性问题, justify why modifying the content/resource would create an undue hardship for the University, 和/或与学生无障碍服务办公室合作,确定提供平等机会的合理住宿. If the employee does not provide a satisfactory response to the accessibility issue, the liaison will contact their PC member who will address the issue, in consultation with the 数码无障碍协调员, 如果有必要的话.



Date of Adoption and Last Date Updated




This policy will be reviewed and updated or modified as the need arises.


2020年5月: Audit of current digital content/resources, creation of PC area implementation plans and training of faculty and staff.

2020年5月- 2024: All new digital content will be accessible (This includes online classes and class content posted on the LMS to supplement hybrid and face-to-face classes; most units will be creating new content that is accessible well before this deadline).

2020年5月- 2028: All current (non-archived) content will be accessible (This includes online classes and class content posted on the LMS to supplement hybrid and face-to-face classes; most units will be creating new content that is accessible well before this deadline).



数字可访问性 Planning Coordinator:雪莉·博索莱


总统办公室Kimberly Mailley



  • 图书馆:阿黛尔·菲茨杰拉德
  • 注册办公室:Robert Pergolis
  • 画布/教师:艾米波兰


  • 布鲁克林:盖尔·莫兰 & 艾米丽Cementina
  • 长岛:Elizabeth McGonigle


  • 画布:莫林·威廉姆斯
  • 采购:Eileen Lada


  • 网站:Justin Hansen
  • 设计:Stephanie Kearney


  • 布鲁克林:罗密欧·桑切斯
  • 长岛:布莱恩·格林

金融援助Jennifer Inchiocca

人力资源: D 'adra嘎吱声


  • 布鲁克林:David Gonzalez
  • 长岛:布莱恩·吉尔



